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Mr. Chicago

I'm back, ladies and gents! It's been a while...

As many of you, I am without a job for a couple of months and I figured I'd use this time to get back into writing and bring you guys some joy & entertainment. All we got is eachother right now and I am here to brigthen your day!

So, let's jump right in and allow me to tell you the story about this guy.

Mr. Chicago and I had matched on Tinder back in January 2016 when I first moved to Dallas. We chatted a bit, exchanged numbers, texted for a day, and then he ghosted. We never met. The end.

Ha! Just kidding! Y'all really think I'd do you like that!?

Anyway, fast forward to summer of 2018 and we matched again. I honestly did NOT remember this guy but he remembered me and also remembered very specific details from our conversation. At first, it creeped me out a bit but the guy was super hot so I went with it.

We started talking on the app and after about an hour of he sent me a text. The dude still had my number! Shortly after we made plans to meet.

We went out on three dates and they were all amazing!

Date #1 - Thursday:

Dinner at Mesero

We ate a TON of food, had sooooo many margs, and the conversation was amazing. We were there for about 3 hours and ended the night with a great kiss.

Easily on my top 3 of kissers.

If you're reading this and we have kissed, don't ask where you fall on the list. In all honesty, it's very likely that my top 3 don't even read this blog so there's your answer.

Date #2 - Saturday:

Pool date

He came over to my place, we grilled by the pool, and had some drinks. When the sun came down, we went back to my place, watched a movie, and ordered Thai food. Lots of smoochin' and cuddlin'.

Date #3- Thursday:

Dinner at his house

He cooked, had a great wine selection, set a very romantic tone, table was set, candles were lit... it was very cheesy but very romantic and I appreciated his attention to it all. He made me feel very special.

His house was GORGEOUS, he had 3 dogs and they were the CUTEST and SWEETEST. At one point I was playing with one of the dogs and he says "I can definitely picture you here with us for a very long time. You're amazing."


In all honesty I was very happy and hopeful. He seemed like a very honest guy and our time together was very special. He treated me right and showed me that chivalry was not dead.

And yes, I stayed the night. Zero regrets!

The next morning we had breakfast and I left shortly after. We made plans to have dinner the next weekend because he had a work trip in Chicago (this is where he's originally from btw). We kissed goodbye and I went home feeling great and on cloud 9.

That evening he calls me, we chat for a bit, we say good night to eachother, and everything seemed normal.

Oh you know I'm about to drop dat bomb, sis!

I decide to go on social media and do a lil' lurky lurk sesh. Full transparency, I typically do check social media prior to any date just to make sure I'm not going out with a total psycho. In this case I had him on IG but he didn't seem very active so I didn't even think about checking Facebook.

Until that night ...

So, I looked him up on Facebook and he had been tagged in picture about a week prior to us meeting. It was a picture of him and HIS FUCKING WIFE!


My heart sunk and I was LIVID to say the least. I collected myself, took a deep breathe, and called him.

Him: "Hey babe!"

Me: "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Him: "What? What do you mean?"

Me: "I am giving you a chance to come clean and be honest"

Him: "What is wrong with you? what do you mean!?"

^ Typical, right?

I hung up and texted him the picture. Silence ...

After about 2 hours I get a phone call where he admitted he had been married for 7 years and he split his time between Chicago and Dallas because of work.

Oh! Remember that gorgeous house he had? yeah ... not his. And the dogs? You guessed it! Not his either.

So there you go, just another day in the dating life of Andrea.

I can't make this shit up.


Dallas, TX, USA

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