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Mr. Tinder "Expert"

I was going to go for a more explicit and insulting title for this one but I'm better than that so I'm just going to call him "Expert". Once you read this you'll probably get an idea of where my head was at.

This story is the first one I write about that had nothing to do with me. I am telling you someone else's story that needed to be shared in order to warn other women and to prove that stalking your dates before meeting them is necessary and it doesn't make you a lurker.

I mean, sure sometimes you just want to lurk and see what his/her ex looked like, but when going on a blind date it should be a must.

Do your research and protect yo' self, girls!

So this girl met her guy at a bar in Florida. He was charming, nice, smooth talker, and foreign (let's be honest who doesn't love an accent!? #swoon). They hung out for a bit, exchanged numbers and made plans to hang out later in the week.

Later that week they text and start figuring out logistics to hang out but the guy was unwilling to drive to her or meetup in the middle and was incredibly insistent about meeting at/or by his place which was relatively far.

RED FLAG! Times, unfortunately, have changed. Long gone are the days where a guy would pick you up, get out of the car, and open the door for you. However, although chivalry might be dead, if someone is really interested there's usually a willingness to meet in the middle and figure out a plan that works for both parties. In this case they couldn't figure anything out so they didn't set any plans.

As days went by she still wanted to hang out and - tbh - I totally get it! It's hard to date in your 30's and sometimes you just want to have some "fun" knowwhatimsayin!? There's zero harm in that! To those currently judging: MYOB and let a girl live! So, she reached out, they made plans to hang out, she gave in, and drove herself to him.

They met at a bar, had some drinks, he shared he was a writer, went back to his place for some vino, chilled on the balcony, exchanged some smooches, and well you know... I'm not going to go into alllllll the deets, you pervs! But I will say the night ended as expected *wink wink*.

But then, things took a turn. Remember how I said to do your research ahead of time? and remember how I said he said he was a writer? Get ready for this shit....

The guy is definitely a writer.

He is the writer (and owner) of a HOW TO GET LAID ON TINDER WEBSITE (NSFW).


Yes, he lives off of this site. Yes, other people PAY for his advice. Are people really that desperate!? Like, seriously? This guy is a fuuuuhhhrrreeaaakk! Why take advice from some weirdo who clearly got rejected by every single girl growing up. He might see this page as his "revenge" on on the girls that ignored him. What a SSS! (Sad sick soul. Just made that up. Genius, I know) but for real ...


Needless to say she panicked a bit but luckily he never took any pics and she is sure there weren't any cameras around (and yes, she was safe in case anyone was wondering).

It's a scary world out there for us single ladies when we live in a world full of degenerates! But I guess we gotta weed through these losers, call them out, and put them on blast to get to the good ones that are waiting for us on the other side, right?

Anyway, stay safe out there. 'Til next time!


Dallas, TX, USA

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