I don't know if there's an etiquette book for dating but maybe I should start one. Here's a list of tips that you can follow (or not.. totes your problem if you want to look like a fool).
I've had my fair share of bad first dates and have collected an extensive list but I'll spare you and narrow it down to just a few.
Here are 5 Do's and Don'ts to keep in mind:
Don't go day drinking if you have an evening or night date. If you do, make sure to drink lots of water and nap before you go out. Don't be a slob or a lush. Not cute.
If it was your idea to go out and you picked the place, you pay. Someone else took time to meet you, they trusted your judgement when picking a spot and weren't asked for their opinion in that case: "Don't make me pay unless I have a say!" Only go dutch if the decision making was a joint effort.
Don't talk about yourself the entire time. Ask questions and have a conversation, not a monologue.
If it's not going well it's ok to cut it short. Just don't be rude about it! Finish your meal/drink/coffee, politely say "thanks but no thanks" and peace out.
Do not force a first kiss! Just because you want one, doesn't mean the other party involved wants one too. Follow social queues, read their body language... it's not that hard to figure out.
I could really go on and on and on and on... but these are just a few bits of advice I hope will help my fellow ladies and gents out there tryin' to make an impresh on their first date.
Stay tuned next week for a story on Mr. 30 min.
Get your heard out of the gutter, pervs... It's not what you think it is.
Til next time!