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Mr. Lyft

I just realized I haven't posted in two months! Life has been busy (but the good kind of busy) and I am ready to continue sharing my wonderful and eventful dating stories. 

If you're new to my blog, WELCOME! Get ready for a wild and fun ride full of "Holy shit!" moments, some laughs, some tears, but most of all I hope you can relate and learn just as I have. 

So, I assume that given the title of this blog, you've probably figured out that I went out on a date with my Lyft driver. Yes, you read that correctly: I. WENT. ON. A DATE. WITH. MY. LYFT. DRIVER. 

All of you rn: "Andrea are you insane!? What were you thinking!?  But please tell me everything! Spill the tea sis!" 

I was at a pool party at a friends house and was ready to head home around 10:30-ish. Called a lyft like the responsible adult that I am and I hopped in - like one does - when their chariot arrives.

I get in and the first thing this dude asks me is if it was ok for him to play his buddy's music. His buddy was a runner up on American Idol (I now question the validity of this said "friendship") but I was super cool with it and said "Of course! Go for it". 

His "buddy" had an AAHHHMAAZINGGG voice and he was covering a couple of my favorite songs: Gravity by John Mayer and Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton. And here's where things started to turn. This is how our convo went:

Me: "Wow! Your friend sounds really good." 

Him: "I know! We used to sing in High School together." 

Me: "You sing too!?" 

Him: "Yup and I play guitar & piano" 

Me: "How cool! I used to sing in HS too but haven't really done much since." 

Him: *ignores what I just said and starts belting out some random song* "laaa, lala, lala, whatever, whatever, laaadidaaa" 

Me: "You have a great voice too!" 

Him: "Thanks! Hey, you seem kinda cool and this is my last ride. Want to go for a drink?" 

Me: "SURE! Why not!?

We were 1 min from my house at that point and everything was closed. So, I suggested a spot that I knew would be open which happened to be literally next to where he had picked me up from. He agreed and ended my ride on the lyft app so I wouldn’t have to pay more BUT I wasn't dumb and I turned on my gps so in case I got kidnapped, my phone would trace my path. That's how it works, right? Anyway, we get to the bar and I finally see his face in the light and ...

I was VERY disappointed. 

Look, cut me some slack! In the dark, the side of his face seemed ok so don't blame me. But yes, I was fooled and it was a HARD NO! Not my type at all but at that point I was invested so I told myself: "Andrea, you stay for ONE drink, go to bathroom, call another car, and sneak out" 

But that didn't happen. 

We had a drink and he offered to take me back home. I accepted and again turned on my gps just in case. Let me repeat that I am not sure if that's how it works but to be safe I also texted my friends: "On date with lyft driver. At XYZ bar." I was covered. 

We get to my house, he asks for my number, I gave it to him (don't ask me why! I am too nice sometimes), and he asked if I'd want to hang out soon and I said: "Sure! text me!" 

I know, I know. Eye-roll all you want!

So about two days go by (we met on a Saturday) and he sends me a text asking if Monday evening worked. I told him I'd be busy Monday but maybe Friday. This was a mistake and I lied. The truth is, I had ZERO intentions of hanging out with this dude but I felt bad blowing him off. 

He then texted me 5 times on Tuesday, 3 times on Wednesday and 6 times on Thursday. I never replied. However, at this point ghosting him wasn't working and in all honesty I thought about the times I had been ghosted and how awful it felt. So, I finally replied:

"Hey! Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Truth is it was good to meet you, I appreciate the drink and the invite but I am not interested and don't want to waste your time. Best of luck!" 

 When you're interested in someone and they blow you off it sucks! But what I've learned is that the truth is always better no matter how much it stings. Plus, since we had only met once I didn't think it would be that big of a problem.

But I was wrong. 

This guys was LIVID. Like demon like livid! 

He replied: "You're a bitch and fuck you for blowing me off. We had A CONNECTION (umm no we didn't amigo) but I guess you think you're too good for me! No wonder why you're single and you'll probably be single FOREVER!" 

I can't make this shit up. This was literally after having ONE drink and hanging out for 45 min and this guy was so upset you’d think we’d been dating for years and I had just told him I was leaving him for his third cousin. Needless to say he was blocked and deleted forever. 

From this experience I learned two things: 1) Never go out with your Lyft driver and 2) I am sick and tired of people pulling the "No WonDeR wHy yOu'rE sInGle" card as if being single was a bad thing. Newsflash buddy: I'd rather be single than be with a pouty child like you that throws a fit every-time they get told "no". Grow a pair! 

And in case anyone was wondering... life is good, I am HAPPILY single, living my life with my cat, enjoying time with family & best friends, and doing things for myself. One day someone will come along who admires, respects me, and is proud of the woman I am on my own.

Until then, I will keep entertaining you all with my stories. Peace out! 


Dallas, TX, USA

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