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Some tips for my single lady friends.

Let's be real: Online dating sucks but I don't want to die alone so here I am on my millionth attempt to find my prince charming. And on my 5th dating app; Ok Cupid, POF, Tinder, Bumble and now Hinge. 

It's exhausting, draining, you set yourself up for disappointing dates and even getting your heart broken into a million pieces time and time again. But somehow you never give up and you try again and again and again and again ... 

If you've been following my blog - and/or know me at all - you probably know that if there is one area of my life in which I have completely failed or have simply had an enormous amount of bad luck, it's in the Love department. But today I'm not going to talk about the bad dates and bad luck. Today, I am going to share what I have learned and hopefully help the ladies who are currently in the dating scene, to not suck at it. 

Now, I'm not here to claim I am an expert but I have a solid amount of experience, knowledge and have had my fair share of swipes and matches to be able to identify a player or a stage 5 clinger. Yes ... men can be clingy and desperate too. 

Before anyone says anything, I KNOW there are plenty of exceptions but I am speaking from my experience. So back off and let me spill the tea to my sistas!

Here are 3 easy ways to identify the player: 

  • Time of match - Always ALWAYS pay attention to the time this person matched with you. Anything between 10 pm - 4:30 am means this guy is only looking for one thing: your pants. 

  • Profile - If 80% of his pictures are with his "boys" partying and living the bachelor life... girl, he is bad news. 

  • Opening question - "Hey! What are you up to tonight?" ... hard NO. RUN!

And 3 easy ways to identify the clinger: 

  • Response time - This one is split in two parts:

  • The moment you match, he messages you immediately. 

  • You don't reply for a couple of hours since you're likely busy and he sends a "hello?" or he resends his first message or a thumbs down emoji.

  • His bio - Way too romantic almost to the point where it can easily be confused with a quote from the Notebook. Swipe... left. ​

  • After one date - One text turns into 10, you stop responding, those unanswered texts turn into novels and now you have yourself a guy who is heartbroken by you ... after one date.

 I hope after this tiny little lesson, you learn to set your standards a little higher and swipe left quicker when you spot one of these characters. 

Dating is tough, but wanting to find love isn't a crime. So ladies keep on swiping on!

One day you'll find The One whether through an app or maybe you'll bump into him on the street while you’re jaywalking swiping right on Mr. Player. 


Dallas, TX, USA

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