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So let’s get deep.

I started this blog to share my stories and entertain. Although the posts haven’t been consistent, the fact that I have been vocal and able to express my thoughts in a way that connect to people has been an extraordinary experience. 

My blog today will not be about a dating experience. It will be about a valuable lesson that I can only hope will serve as a lesson and inspiration to others. 

I’ve lived my entire life as a “guerrera” which translates to “warrior”. When I say this, I don’t mean that I am the strongest, most resilient person but I have taken life in stride and have lived every single emotion and scenario that comes along with living: I’ve been hurt, I’ve been happy, I’ve been proud, I’ve been successful, I’ve been defeated, I’ve been shamed, questioned, I have won and lost...

But one of the things I’ve learned (and often forget) is that everyday brings a lesson, a highlight and a win. 

Today was no exception. 

My peer and I are working on a project to help develop future leaders. It’s been a main focus this past year because -not only is it one of our business goals- but we have a boss who has repeatedly said “train your replacement (s)”. And we have taken that to heart. 

In order to make this project successful we reached out to our Team Developement coordinator to get guidance. We had a meeting today and during our convo she said something that stood out. I’ll paraphrase:

“Ask your future leaders about someone who has left a mark in their lives. It can be as small as a 5 min encounter because those small moments are the ones that make a huge impact” 

When she said that I had so many people come to mind. My family and friends - of course - have always had a huge impact but it’s always been the tiniest moments that have made the biggest impact. These moments come from people who may never realize the difference they’ve made. 

I’m not going to mention names but I want to take this moment to thank those who have served as inspiration to me (and I’m sure to many others):

To my English teacher who continues to celebrate and clap at my accomplishments from afar 

To the couple I met in Florida that I encountered at customs randomly in Mexico (after years of not seeing them) and have been an example of perseverance and faith

To my friend who shook me out of a 4 year long toxic relationship 

To my boss who has listened and encouraged 

To the friend I talk to once a year and always makes sure to send me a bday note with the most encouraging message 

To the homeless lady at a church in Colombia who told me “not to cry because being alive was a blessing” while we were at church for my grandfather’s one (maybe two?) year anniversary of his passing 

To the cashier at Target (favorite place 😜) that said I had the most beautiful smile and eyes

To all of you and more, I say thank you. It’s people like you that make the world better. Thank you for spreading your kindness and your soul. 

I’m so lucky to have a solid group of friends and family but we often forget those split-second moments. Those are the moments that shape us, wake us, make us better... it’s the random acts of kindness that stick.

Thank you for being the reminders & the influencers we need. You don’t know it but we notice. Or at least I do. 

I’m so happy to have my “I can’t make this shit up” moments because without them, I wouldn’t be who I am. 


Dallas, TX, USA

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