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Mr. Dog-Sitter

I cannot wait to tell you about this gem. I met him online (as you can assume) on Plenty of Fish. When I say I have tried all the dating apps, I mean it.

Anyway, I met this guy at the end of January 2013. Our first date was Feb 2nd. How do I remember this? You're about to find out. 

We had been talking for a few days over the phone and we immediately clicked. He was super funny, extremely intelligent and had the BEST comebacks (the way to my heart). After talking for a little over a week, he invited me on our first date (Saturday, February 2nd. Winter in DC was in full force). He told me to wear something comfortable yet nice because we would be walking quite a bit before dinner. He didn't disclose any plans, all he asked for was for me to arrive at the Chinatown Metro Station and he would pick me up from there (for those of you wondering, I was living in DC at the time).

The day arrived and I took the metro from Alexandria to Chinatown at 6pm and arrived around 7:15 - we had agreed on meeting at 7:30. On 7:30 on the dot I see him walking towards me. He was a really handsome, extremely well put-together young man and I was super nervous. He smiles, says hello, we hug and he asked "Are you ready for this date?" I replied "Of course I am! What's the plan!?" I am not going to make this a full on play by play but I'll tell you what you need to know. 

We started our date at the Spy Museum - an interactive mystery solving museum both adult and kid friendly. Let me tell you... we had a BLAST! I don't think I have ever laughed so much in my life. We get to the end of it and head over to grab out coats at the coat check. We put on our coats, open the door and... it was snowing. But it was the good kind of snow. It was the snow you see in movies (Serendipity anyone?) it was soft, slow and it was perfect enough to walk underneath it. We were about to catch a cab to our next destination (dinner) but he quickly changed his mind and said "Why don't we go to Rosa Mexicano? It's a perfect night and it's walking distance. Why don't we walk there?" Y'all....I  almost died. I was living my Serendipity meets Bridget Jones Diary love story fantasy! It was THE most romantic walk I have EVER had in my life. For real.

And...we totally held hands #Inloveforever

Dinner was nice, we sat next to each other (cheesy... I know) and then we went to one of my FAVORITE hotels in DC called The Jefferson. They have the most amazing piano bar Called Quill. This hotel is breathtaking. Classic meets contemporary. It was probably built over 60 years ago and still preserves it's original aesthetic. Classic marble, gold railings, carved wainscoting, old wood built-in libraries, super quaint ... it is seriously jaw dropping.

Back to the date. We each had 2 Mcallan 18's (fancy AF) and walked around the hotel. We ended up realizing we were lost when we ended up in the giant private wine room and them somehow ended up in the kitchen. Guys, I am telling you... PERFECT DATE! Now you know why I'll never forget the actual calendar date.

We had a lot of fun but it got late. He called me an Uber (Or taxi? Was Uber a thing back then? Can't remember) and we both headed home.

We talked every day after that and that following weekend he invited me to his neck of the woods (near Baltimore). He said he was dog-sitting at his friends house in Ellicot City that weekend. He suggested we go to dinner somewhere and then come back to his buddies house by 8pm, sit outside by the fire, have dessert at home and drink some wine.  Perfect guy or what? 

Since he lived so far, I drove all the way there to meet him. Literally 1 hour and 15 min driving to this place. At night. By myself. Dumb idea for sure.

I arrive and there he was playing with THE cutest pups: 2 Golden Retrievers! I was dead. I mean HE LOVED DOGS! Check another box on the list! Amirite or what?

Finally we give each other a nice hug and head out to dinner. It was probably 7 by this point. We eat, have a drink, finish dinner and head back. When we arrive back to the house, we walk to the giant crate to lets the dogs out and .... one of them is dead. Literally dead. Needless to say, we spent the rest of the night figuring out what to do. Finally after he spoke to his "buddy" (you'll understand the quotes in a sec) we called the vet, the vet came and took him. I felt terrible and it was not a fun situation but at this point something felt weird and I decided to drive back home and check back in the morning. It was around 11:30 and although it was a long drive, I was happy to go back home and sleep in my own bed. 

I checked in with him the next morning and there was no response until later that evening. His reply was simply "All is good. I'm ok. Thanks for all your help and for sticking around while we handled this." I left it at that, thinking I'd let him be there for his friend while he dealt with the loss of his pup.

Two days go by and I don't hear from him so I reach out and asked "Hey there! Is everything ok?" ... silence. 

Then around 6 pm, he calls. I answer. He says " you got a sec?" I already knew what was about to happen. I felt it. A bomb was about to be dropped.

He says "I wanted to call you to tell you I can't see you anymore. The dogs I was taking care of are my ex-girlfriends dogs. And after everything that happened I want to be there for her and possibly give it another shot"  

Um ... what? 

Needless to say that's where the convo ended and I never heard from him again.

While he owed me nothing, we were not together and he was honest about what he wanted ... he was still having other women at his ex's house, while she was out of town and dog-sat her dogs.

To top it off ... he drank her wine too. 

I can't make this shit up. 


Dallas, TX, USA

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